Innovation theft Pharmaccess
juni 13, 2018 12:48 pm“Socially responsible” NGO Pharmaccess steals innovation
Must see interview backed up by documents
In this interview Maurits v. Falkenreck elaborates on the innovation theft his company suffered from the NGO Pharmaccess. Maurits v. Falkenreck is the founder of a successful innovation company which is responsible for many disruptive innovations in the field of internet and mobile technology. He also wrote a book about the decline of the Dutch welfare state and the impact innovative entrepreneurs could have on turning this process around.
Part 1
In part 1 Maurits introduces himself.
Part 2
In part 2 he shares the innovation theft case INCLUDING proof in terms of documents, images and videos.
Reference documents:
- About 4Another (YouTube) (3.23, 4.22 , 9.05, 20.10)
- 4Another businessplan (pdf-doc) (3.25)
- 4Another flyer (pdf-doc) (3.27, 11.45)
- 4Another fraud prevention (pdf-doc) (3.29)
- 4Another hospital manual (pdf-doc) (3.31)
- NDA Safaricom (pdf-doc) (5.11, 12.02)
- 4Another slide about tapping into buying power diaspora incorporated in Pharmaccess presentation (png-image) (6.01)
- Pharmaccess slide before collaboration with 4Another (png-image) (6.04)
- ‘Thank you for your business plan’ by pharmaccess (png-image) (6.45)
- Pharmaccess interaction 1 (png-image) (6.50)
- Pharmaccess interaction 2 (png-image) (6.53)
- Falkenreck Book (pdf-doc) (7.12)
- Double position: Max Coppoolse COO at Pharmaccess and WORKING FOR IFHA FUND (png-image) (7.39, 10.41)
- Double position: Two hats Max Coppoolse (png-image) (7.39, 10.41)
- Max Coppoolse pretends not to know 4Another whereas he was the contact at Pharmaccess (png-image) (9.47)
- Proof Max Coppoolse also in charge of IFHA next to being COO of Pharmaccess (png-image) (10.24)
- Pharmaccess CEO presents 4Another innovation as his own invention on national television (BNN/VARA: ‘De wereld draait door’) (11.33)
- ‘M-Tiba’ (Pharmaccess) copies philosophy 4Another (png-image) (11.40)
- M-Tiba wins award for stolen 4Another innovation (png-image) (11.50)
- M-Tiba wins award for stolen innovation (screenshot 2) (png-image) (11.55)
- Pharmaccess partner was Celtel and Not Safaricom which was also a partner of 4Another and also stolen by Pharmaccess (png-image) (12.05)
- On-air discussion between Margreet Spijker and Ruud Koornstra about (this) innovation theft (WNL – NPO Radio 1) (YouTube) (13.44, 14.51)
- Visiting Dutch parliament to talk about innovation and innovation theft by Pharmaccess (png-image) (14.29)
- Question to Dutch politician why investment funds are allocated for big companies (png-image) (16.01)
- Response of Dutch politician saying only big companies can innovate (png-image) (16.20)
- Showing off 4Another’s platform in action, as an original initiative (BNNVARA: Floortje en de Ambassadeurs @17.00) (18.45)
- Dutch royal family is ambassador for Pharmaccess without knowing they stole the innovation from 4 another (gemistvoornmt.nl: ‘Blauw Bloed’) (20.05)
Part 3
In part 3 Maurits gives a summary of the innovation theft case.
“Socially responsible” NGO Pharmaccess steals innovation Must see interview backed up by documents In this interview Maurits v. Falkenreck elaborates…