How Can We Help?
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You are here:


you are planning to develop and/or launch your innovation and are trying to get access to government innovation funds


  • you are not knowledgeable about applying for these type of funds
  • you do not have a mature company that is already profitable for many years and employs a lot of people, which is a requirement to get access to these funds
  • you are competing with big companies who do have access to these government innovation funds


  • Connecting start-ups to Exovatio approved venture capitalists
  • Connecting venture capitalists to start-ups who passed the Exovatio Business Model Stress Test
  • Contract scans with regard to deal making with clients and investors
  • Innovation support and coaching (e.g. how to build a MVP (minimum viable product) without the need for investors)
  • Connecting start-ups to our network of trusted launching customers
Table of Contents

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